Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Anxiety, fear of troubles, repeated washing of hands are just a few signs of a dangerous obsessive-compulsive disease. The fault line between normal and intrusive states can turn into a precipice if OCD is not


Anxiety, fear of troubles, repeated washing of hands are just a few signs of a dangerous obsessive-compulsive disease. The fault line between normal and intrusive states can turn into a precipice if OCD is not

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Psychological assistance for depression

A state of depression accompanies a person who has undergone adverse events in life. Violation of mental well-being can cause negative, uncontrolled emotions, lack of will, unwillingness to live. Psychotherapy helps to solve the problem.


A state of depression accompanies a person who has undergone adverse events in life. Violation of mental well-being can cause negative, uncontrolled emotions, lack of will, unwillingness to live. Psychotherapy helps to solve the problem.

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How to get out of depression quickly yourself

The emotional state of a person can affect not only the behavior, but also the work of the whole organism. For this reason, it is especially important to monitor your condition and take action on


The emotional state of a person can affect not only the behavior, but also the work of the whole organism. For this reason, it is especially important to monitor your condition and take action on

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