How does depressive disorder manifest itself?

This ailment is also known as bipolar affective disorder or manic-depressive psychosis. There are several types of pathology, among them endogenous, masked, reactive, postpartum, bipolar, seasonal, anxious depression. Each diagnosis has distinctive symptoms and etiology.

How is depressive personality disorder

Bipolar depression is a psychogenic disease that is characterized by frequent changes in mood in the patient. We are talking about a dangerous condition, which is also called “from extreme to extreme.” It turns out that the feeling of deep indifference and apathy is sharply replaced by emotional attacks, manic attacks, obsessions and an irrepressible desire to do something. The bipolar form of the disease is partly genetically predisposed, and the main symptoms depend on the type of progressive depression.

Agitated Depression

For this form of bipolar disease, the main definition is characteristic – “state of agitation.” Simply put, the disease manifests itself in increased physical and speech activity, while not leaving the classic symptoms of depression. On the one hand, a person behaves sluggishly and dullly, and on the other, abnormal hyperactivity is characteristic of him. A psychological disorder is obvious already at an early stage, the main task of a specialist is to correct such an imbalance, to return the emotional balance to the clinical patient.

Anesthetic depression

This is a serious nervous disorder, the main characteristic of which is such a definition as “indifference”. The patient, without realizing it, completely loses interest in life. In addition, his self-esteem is rapidly declining, his desire to live, create and enjoy is disappearing. The disease is severe, since it is not easy to restore emotional balance and emotional comfort to a person. Doctors compare this condition with the behavior of a person under anesthesia, so bipolar anesthetic depression received a second name – “mental anesthesia.”

Psychotic depression

This is a classic form of the disease, which additionally is characterized by frightening symptoms such as panic attacks, auditory and visual hallucinations, obsessions and delusions, phobias. Psychotic depression has a protracted nature, brings the patient to a state of delirium tremens, makes it uncontrollable in society. The main treatment is to save a person from mania, obsessions. More often, such a syndrome is characteristic of women from 40 years old, but lately this mental disorder of the body only “gets younger”.

Recurrent depression

Continuing to study bipolar depression, it is worth focusing on the recurrent form of a characteristic ailment. The disease is difficult to treat, has a protracted nature, scares others with frequent attacks, and quickly acquires a chronic form. With such an extensive mental disorder, a person lives in two parallel lives, when periods of calm adequacy are sharply replaced by dangerous hyperactivity.

What is manic depression

This is an extensive mental disorder that is caused by a genetic predisposition of the body, and manifests itself in 3 main phases: manic, depressive, mixed. The phase change often occurs unexpectedly, and the patient is not able to control such cyclical transitions. The instability of the psyche manifests itself in a sharp change in mood and behavior, for example, after another breakdown absorbs a feeling of deep depression, and hatred gives way to sympathy. The psyche is especially unstable, the brain is not able to control such sudden changes in behavior.

Why does manic depression develop?

Mental disorders in bipolar depression are difficult to control, but it is even more difficult to correctly diagnose. To obtain a complete clinical picture, anamnesis data collection, clinical and laboratory examination, individual consultation of a psychotherapist, and the help of a psychologist are required. Having determined the causes of this affective state, you can make a final diagnosis and start productive treatment with potent medicines. Pathogenic factors of the bipolar form of the disease are as follows:

  • bad heredity;
  • severe emotional shock, shock;
  • increased stress in depression;
  • the tendency of the female body to this type of depression;
  • hormonal imbalance, problems in the endocrine system.

How is depressive disorder manifested in women?

The bipolar form of psychosis absorbs more the feminine, women from 30-35 years old become patients. The help of a psychiatrist is mandatory, since after the final diagnosis is made, psychotropic drugs and tranquilizers will be prescribed. In order to timely recognize the symptoms of a bipolar affective state, the patient and her close environment should pay attention to the following changes in behavior, general well-being:

  • psychosis of varying degrees;
  • aggression and envy;
  • longing, emptiness, anxiety;
  • increased suicidal thoughts;
  • complete lack of vital energy;
  • the inability to control their actions and thoughts;
  • suicide attempts in depression;
  • high self-esteem during a manic episode;
  • physical and intellectual inhibition;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • physical activity and excessive talkativeness.

How does depressive disorder manifest in men

Male affective disorder is extremely rare. According to statistics, only 7% of men suffer from a bipolar form of the disease, and such a dangerous syndrome often occurs in a lighter form. Modern women are less fortunate, because, according to all the same statistics, more than 30% suffer from a characteristic ailment, 50% are at risk. Signs of bipolar disorder in the male body are presented below:

  • isolation, focusing exclusively on one’s thoughts;
  • slowness in actions, spleen in the worldview;
  • a rapid decrease in total body weight;
  • the appearance of chronic insomnia;
  • aggression towards your loved ones and all those around you;
  • decreased attention span; at
  • inner fear, followed by a sense of unbridled aggression;
  • decreased intellectual ability;
  • outbreaks of anger, aggression, anger in depression;
  • irritability for no apparent reason.

If timely treatment of the bipolar form of the disease is absent, depression only progresses. It is almost impossible to get the patient out of this difficult condition; complete isolation is necessary to avoid increased aggression on everyone around. With an increase in manic episodes, doctors do not exclude urgent hospitalization with further radical measures.

local_offerevent_note May 16, 2020

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