Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Anxiety, fear of troubles, repeated washing of hands are just a few signs of a dangerous obsessive-compulsive disease. The fault line between normal and intrusive states can turn into a precipice if OCD is not


Anxiety, fear of troubles, repeated washing of hands are just a few signs of a dangerous obsessive-compulsive disease. The fault line between normal and intrusive states can turn into a precipice if OCD is not

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Psychological assistance for depression

A state of depression accompanies a person who has undergone adverse events in life. Violation of mental well-being can cause negative, uncontrolled emotions, lack of will, unwillingness to live. Psychotherapy helps to solve the problem.


A state of depression accompanies a person who has undergone adverse events in life. Violation of mental well-being can cause negative, uncontrolled emotions, lack of will, unwillingness to live. Psychotherapy helps to solve the problem.

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Mental effects of infectious diseases

Of course, this particular reaction of the body is caused by many factors: the age of the patient the general immune status of the body conditions of life and work the ability to use professional


Of course, this particular reaction of the body is caused by many factors: the age of the patient the general immune status of the body conditions of life and work the ability to use professional

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Psychologist in divorce

Author: Anna, our psychologist. My colleague and I once talked about values. And I enthusiastically said this phrase: “Here, for example, family is a great value for me. That’s why I got divorced.” He laughed,


Author: Anna, our psychologist. My colleague and I once talked about values. And I enthusiastically said this phrase: “Here, for example, family is a great value for me. That’s why I got divorced.” He laughed,

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Life after parting: a psychological view of the problem

Parting with a partner is quite a common topic in my therapeutic work. And, on both sides: male and female. Listening to the difficult history of the relationship of their clients, each time delving anew


Parting with a partner is quite a common topic in my therapeutic work. And, on both sides: male and female. Listening to the difficult history of the relationship of their clients, each time delving anew

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Psychological protection and resistance

Freud’s great role in psychological science is that he was the first to speak about the role of the unconscious in the human psyche. Before him, the idea that a person might not know something


Freud’s great role in psychological science is that he was the first to speak about the role of the unconscious in the human psyche. Before him, the idea that a person might not know something

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