Victory is ours: how to deal with depression

Depression, related to the so-called mood disorders, is one of the most common mental illnesses in the world. According to WHO, more than 350 million people suffer from it. These are people of all ages


Depression, related to the so-called mood disorders, is one of the most common mental illnesses in the world. According to WHO, more than 350 million people suffer from it. These are people of all ages

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How does depressive disorder manifest itself?

This ailment is also known as bipolar affective disorder or manic-depressive psychosis. There are several types of pathology, among them endogenous, masked, reactive, postpartum, bipolar, seasonal, anxious depression. Each diagnosis has distinctive symptoms and etiology.


This ailment is also known as bipolar affective disorder or manic-depressive psychosis. There are several types of pathology, among them endogenous, masked, reactive, postpartum, bipolar, seasonal, anxious depression. Each diagnosis has distinctive symptoms and etiology.

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How not to confuse simple sadness with depression?

One in four women experiences depression at least once in their lives. If you started to worry about bouts of sudden sadness, longing, then put aside all your affairs and immediately start looking for reasons.


One in four women experiences depression at least once in their lives. If you started to worry about bouts of sudden sadness, longing, then put aside all your affairs and immediately start looking for reasons.

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Anxiety Depressive Disorder

It is known that depression is an urgent problem in people of the 21st century. It develops due to the high psycho-emotional stress associated with an accelerated rhythm of life. Depressive disorders significantly reduce the


It is known that depression is an urgent problem in people of the 21st century. It develops due to the high psycho-emotional stress associated with an accelerated rhythm of life. Depressive disorders significantly reduce the

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How to understand that you have depression: non-obvious symptoms?

It is believed that with depression a person is not able to lead a familiar lifestyle, and even more so to joke and laugh. We tell whether this is really so and what kind of


It is believed that with depression a person is not able to lead a familiar lifestyle, and even more so to joke and laugh. We tell whether this is really so and what kind of

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Severe Bipolar Disorder Treatment

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness in which the phases of mania and depression alternate. The risk group includes women and people with an unstable psyche. The disease is also called bipolar affective disorder and


Bipolar disorder is a mental illness in which the phases of mania and depression alternate. The risk group includes women and people with an unstable psyche. The disease is also called bipolar affective disorder and

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Depression is a runny nose

Depression today is the least diagnosable and most often misdiagnosed disease. As a result, it often remains untreated. Part of the problem is the misconception in society about mental illness. Among the elderly, depression is


Depression today is the least diagnosable and most often misdiagnosed disease. As a result, it often remains untreated. Part of the problem is the misconception in society about mental illness. Among the elderly, depression is

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Therapist for skin

Today, skin diseases are increasingly being treated not only by dermatologists, but also by psychotherapists. What is this approach based on and what should each of us know about it? Why are skin diseases now


Today, skin diseases are increasingly being treated not only by dermatologists, but also by psychotherapists. What is this approach based on and what should each of us know about it? Why are skin diseases now

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