Depression of big cities

How does the lack of sufficient physical activity lead to depression?

The main cause of depression in large cities is chronic stress. According to statistics, more than 70% of Americans are in this state. That is, more than half of our compatriots are deprived of peace and inner harmony. After all, what is chronic stress? This is when a person is constantly experiencing discomfort, he is overcome by problems that he cannot find a solution. This eternal search exhausts him, undermining not only physical, but also moral strength. Moreover, each has its own story.

One does not receive satisfaction from the business in which he is engaged. The other does not find understanding in the family. The third seems to be pleased with everything, but only money is not enough all the time. Unfortunately, there are many similar examples. In a metropolis, external stresses are added to these internal stressful situations. Sometimes it’s just the frantic rhythm of city life, overcrowding, traffic jams, crowding in the subway, crowds in shops and on the main streets. And plus to this a constant information attack “from all sides”: the Internet, TV, the press, advertising leaflets and posters. All this together, like a puzzle, sooner or later develops into a picture of chronic stress.

You can resist it: you just need to be able to actively relax, providing your body with sufficient physical activity. Unfortunately, most of us prefer to relax as we are used to. Sit in front of the TV, lie on the couch or chat with friends over a bottle of beer or a glass of wine. Therefore, we have what we have. Almost 30% of women and 15% of men today know firsthand what depression is.

But you can’t reduce everything to a lifestyle, there is also a hereditary predisposition to depression ….

Of course, no one calls into question the individual characteristics of this or that organism. There are people who are more susceptible than others to various mental illnesses, including depression. By the way, there are more women among them.

There is a special category of people in whom depression is not caused by internal conflicts, but by the innate features of the special structures of the brain.

Do not forget about the typical “ladies” features of this ailment. For example, only the fair sex face postpartum or menopausal depression.

Depression skillfully arranges its networks, and whether we please them or not, depends largely on us. In most cases, just an active lifestyle is our defense against this ailment. Nothing ingenious, just like all ingenious.

For many, the main sign of depression is a bad mood. But it happens to everyone. How to understand how serious everything is?

Each of us can “get up on the wrong foot” or face a series of unpleasant events that unsettle us for a long time. In the first case, as a rule, today’s bad mood no longer bothers tomorrow. In the second, it can remind of itself much longer. And this is an indicator that should not be ignored. Low mood, which lasts steadily for more than two weeks, is one of the signs of depression. You can also suspect an ailment if you give up, don’t want to do anything, don’t even enjoy what used to cause a lot of pleasant emotions: old hobbies, friends, relatives. In addition to a reduced mood, fatigue appears, lethargy in thoughts and actions. In especially difficult cases, sleep is disturbed, physical ailments occur.

Often in men, depression manifests itself in a special way – disguised as other diseases. Ladies begin to upholstered the offices of all kinds of specialists, trying to find out why everything hurts. But, as a rule, these trips are endless: from the therapist to the cardiologist, from him to the gastroenterologist, then to the hepatologist, and from there again to the therapist. A vicious circle can be broken only one thing – to treat depression.

Many are sure that in order to cope with it, it is necessary to be treated in a hospital. Is it so?

There are no general recommendations, in each case, your own action plan. One really needs in-patient therapy under the supervision of specialists. For others, outpatient treatment is enough, but again – preferably under the supervision of a doctor. Self-control of depression is not always a thankful business. In mild forms of the disease, it often helps. But when it comes to serious cases, and especially those that require medical methods, it is better not to experiment. Not only will you not achieve the result, but also harm yourself.

Today, many different drugs are used to combat depression, including antidepressants, tranquilizers, and blood circulation and brain nutrition enhancers. It is simply impossible for a layman to understand all this multitude of medicines. Features of use, side effects, dosage, drug interaction, duration of the course – the success of treatment and the further prognosis depend on each of these details.

I heard about the treatment of depression with the help of psychotherapy and hypnosis. How do such methods work?

It all depends on the nature and depth of the disease. The mild forms of this ailment respond well to treatment with psychotherapeutic techniques. And often, even drug support is not required.

It is more difficult with severe forms. Here, similar non-drug methods are most often used in conjunction with drug therapy. But in any case, the result will be, since the therapist helps to change his attitude towards traumatic factors. Or find the internal problem that led to the disease and solve it. And if the medicine removes the manifestations of the disease, then psychotherapy affects its cause. This helps a person to develop protection, a kind of immunity against his ailment.

But there is one trick. Psychotherapeutic techniques are successful if there is a motivation for treatment. That is, a person does not just come – “here I am, heal me”, but is pre-configured for cooperation. He wants to be cured, he believes that this will happen, and is ready to “work” on it. And the more his personal interest, the better the result of treatment.

But there are people who do not succumb to hypnosis, and therefore do not believe in it ….

Absolutely all people can work in a hypnotic state. Another question is that the degree to which a person is suggestible depends on how much someone can put him into a hypnotic state beyond his own will. But since hypnosis treatment is carried out exclusively with the consent of the patient and at his request, the moment of suggestibility or non-suggestibility does not in any way affect the treatment process.

But then another thing that keeps many from hypnosis. Having seen all sorts of performances of psychics, people are afraid that in the process of treatment they may lose control over themselves. And with them it will be possible to "do anything." What do you say to that?

All these demonstrative performances of the “healers” and the announcements of the “magicians”, which promise with the help of hypnosis “to return or bewitch the beloved, to cure cancer”, belittle this completely scientific method.

Psychics really use the hypnotic state of a person, since this is just one of the standard states of consciousness, like sleep or wakefulness. If we use hypnotherapy for medical purposes, there is absolutely no need for a deep degree of immersion. Just a slight relaxation is enough.

In addition, going to the doctor, a person turns to a certified specialist for help, and not to an unknown person from the newspaper. And this is also extremely important.

You should know that hypnosis is one of the effective methods of treating many diseases, including depression. In addition to the relaxing effect, it provides a clear and workable attitude towards recovery. It also activates its own reserves, and the body begins to actively struggle for recovery and recovery.

Is it possible to get rid of depression once or for all, or is it like hypertension - it is impossible to recover, is it only in our power to control the situation?

In most cases, you can. But on condition – if you can choose the optimal treatment regimen, go through the entire course to the end. And also change your attitude towards traumatic factors, if they cannot be eliminated.

As a rule, the fight against depression is not a quick process. But if it was immediately possible to choose the appropriate treatment, the visible effect is already evident within 2-4 weeks. Next is the process of aftercare and consolidation of the result. But in any case, do not rush. According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, long-term use of antidepressants – up to one year – has a beneficial effect on the restoration of nerve cells. And this greatly improves the further forecast. So if you approach the treatment of depression with all responsibility, then there is every chance to forget about this disease forever.

local_offerevent_note March 27, 2020

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