Is optimism always better than depression?

Psychologists conclude that the pursuit of optimism has gone too far. And the first fruits of this are carelessness and selfishness. Is optimism always the key to success? Is pessimism bad in everything?

You have to be an optimist, then luck will accompany you in everything.

Actually. Scientists have found evidence that depressed people are more realistic about life. They objectively judge their capabilities, while more cheerful and cheerful ones usually overestimate themselves. Optimists remember more pleasant events and quickly forget unsuccessful ones. Pessimists accurately record both of them. Cheerful people believe that the bright streak will never end. Depressive people usually objectively evaluate both successes and their absence. Optimism often leads a person to the collapse of hopes and disappointment. Therefore, each of us needs a share of pessimism, so as not to deceive ourselves too much and soberly look at things.

If you are facing a crucial event, imagine that everything went well. then in reality everything will be fine.

Actually. Social Psychology Specialist Julia Norem explores the so-called defensive pessimism. This is a strategy when a person loses the upcoming situation, taking into account all the small obstacles that he may encounter. Suppose, when he is preparing for a responsible performance, he imagines what he will do if a cough attacks him, the microphone cord breaks, and the synopsis falls to the floor. Studies have shown that defensive pessimism is no worse than strategic optimism, when a person inspires himself: “Everything will be fine!” Thinking about interference allows you to see yourself as if from the outside and prepare for the unexpected.

If you have an unpleasant event, do not think back to it. Nothing can be fixed, and the mood will be ruined.

Actually. This is not always true. Scientists suggested that volunteers recall the most tragic events of their lives, reflect on them for several days, and then write a short essay with all the details. Surprisingly, painful memories not only did not negatively affect the health of these people. On the contrary, they felt better after setting out their suffering on paper.

Make friends with optimists, they will help you survive the difficulties.

Actually. It is sometimes difficult for an optimist to understand your deep feelings. They seem to him far-fetched and not worth such attention. Pessimists are often more sensitive people. They perfectly understand those who are now ill because they are on the same wavelength with them. Perhaps a pessimist will not inspire you to exploit. But sympathy at the right time is also worth a lot.

Optimists are the best workers.

Actually. Not always and not in all areas. For example, the best lawyers come from pessimists. In this profession, it is important to foresee all the negative turns of the matter. And people with anxious gloomy expectations can do this better than others. In jurisprudence, pessimism is secretly considered a positive quality.

People of a negative temperament, prudent, calculating all possible troubles, are good accountants, financial directors, and safety engineers. But with professions where you need to take risks, invent something, show persistence, optimists do better. Researchers, designers, developers, marketers must be sure that “the future is bright and beautiful,” otherwise they will not succeed.

Optimists have better health.

Actually. Scientists conducted an experiment in which they checked how the human immunity works under stressful conditions. At first, as expected, with a small load, optimists showed better results. Perhaps the “pink glasses” hid a potential danger from them. However, as the load increased, the pessimists took the lead. And the immune system of supporters joyfully looking into the future began to malfunction. Scientists came to the conclusion that in a state of severe stress, immunity in optimists works worse than for pessimists.

Optimists are less likely to suffer from depression.

Actually. There are no official data on this subject. But pessimism is not a disease. A person with a gloomy view of the world can for many years maintain peace of mind and harmony. Pessimists are more courageous than their antipodes; they know how to face unpleasant truth. They are always on guard and therefore ready for the blows of fate. Optimists are sure that if you work hard, then all problems can be overcome. But life is not so simple. And far from everything can be achieved with the help of willpower and hard work, for example, happiness in personal life. When optimistic expectations are not met, depression covers him just like any other person. In addition, the pessimist always has someone to cry in his vest and thereby reduce stress. The optimist is confident that he can cope with all the difficulties himself. Yes, and others do not realize to substitute his shoulder.

Optimists more easily tolerate stress.

Actually. It all depends on the level of stress. If an optimist steps on the foot in the crowd, this will not infuriate him. To the pessimist, at least, this will ruin the mood. That is, in simple everyday situations, optimists are more stress-resistant. However, in catastrophic circumstances, on the contrary, the psyche of the pessimist is stronger. He, accustomed to thinking about everything in a negative way, knows how to “lay straws” in advance. And therefore more ready to face obstacles. An optimist often underestimates the danger. And when she comes, she does not know what to do.

Optimists live longer.

Actually. German scientists have proven that this is not so. Over 40 thousand people took part in their study. It turned out that pessimists on average live 10 years longer than optimists. Among cheerful people, the risk of injury was 10% higher. Negative expectations make people more cautious and encourage them to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Optimists have a high self-esteem. It’s easier for them to find a job or their other half.

Actually. Sometimes high self-esteem rolls over, and a person begins to inadequately evaluate himself. This is just what repels people and makes an unpleasant impression on employers. As for personal life, optimists do not always attract the attention of the opposite sex. Firstly, it seems that such a person does not need anyone, he is so good. Secondly, you are afraid that you will not always correspond to his always cheerful mood. In addition, in our mentality, a person who is always happy with everything, and expects only the good from the future, looks like a person who is short and shallow. Conversely, light sadness is intriguing, attracts attention, awakens the desire to understand a person and turn his shoulder.

local_offerevent_note April 11, 2020

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